Meet Aoife
Aoife Hayes is a Body Alchemist.
Aoife tunes into your body, connecting with what your body requires in order to heal, renew and transform.
Aoife operates from a space of true presence, love, caring and kindness, placing no investment in the outcome.
She is always guided by her intuition and source energy which works through her with ease.
Aoife knows and has seen, with many clients, healing, change and all kinds of possibilities show up especially when we’ve gotten out of our own way and trusted that magic and miracles occur.
These are just some of the problems Aoife has helped clients with;
- anxiety
- difficulty sleeping
- low or poor energy levels
- body aches and pains
- stiffness and other body issues like tight and sore muscles.
I have always been passionate about health and well being. I started out in the leisure industry and pursued the idea of being a personal trainer. I love to move my body and keep fit.
After becoming a personal trainer I moved on to massage therapy where I began to connect even more with my body and discover how truly amazing it is. Massage therapy is so wonderful in that it enables us to relax our body and mind and let go of all the heavy burdens that we carry around. We store a great deal of emotions in our bodies so they have a lot to put up with. Massage Therapy is a super way of releasing blockages, pain and negativity as well as inducing relaxation. As time went on, I began to wonder what else was possible? I knew there was more to discover and that it was far more than just physical. Hence I began my journey of self discovery and exploration through various modalities and workshops such as:
- Hoffman Process
- The Journey
- Radical Forgiveness
- Holistic Weight Loss
- Eating Disorder and Obesity Therapy
- Meditation
- Self Enquiry
- The Law of Attraction
- Access Consciousness
- A Course in Miracles
I was constantly adding to my personal growth and development and education. In 2008 I headed off on an 18 month solo trip around the world. It was an amazing experience and the trip of a lifetime. I would even consider my travels a major journey of self discovery, self exploration and healing.
I invite you to explore and see if there is something here on my site that might interest you or feel free to get in touch. I offer free 20 minute consultations. I have found from my own personal experience that diet and exercise alone did not lead to the changes I was looking for. It took a combination of healthy eating, activity and letting go of my limiting beliefs and judgments of myself and my body. I also find that body work such as massage, body processes and other energy work is equally if not more profound in creating changes within myself and my body. What if you began acknowledging and nurturing you and your body? What might that create?