085 2060271 aoife@aoifehayes.ie

So much has happened in the last week I decided to write a blog about it.  A few things struck me that I wanted to share with you.  Firstly, my car was giving trouble last week. It ended up with a few major things going belly up.  It was going to cost a lot of money to fix it and I decided it was time to invest in a new car.  Mine was 12 years old. I also had a wedding last week in County Kerry about 2 hours away where I was the chief bridesmaid. I needed to make a few trips up and down before the big day for fittings and rehearsals.  I ended up borrowing a car from the garage for a few days which was a Renault Laguna.  I have only ever driven small cars so this was quite a challenge for me.  I was so nervous and tense driving it home.  She was pretty powerful. This definitely took me out of my comfort zone.  I know this may sound trivial but what it showed me was how we can limit ourselves with our thoughts, feelings and emotions, fear being one of the biggies. The thought of driving the Laguna terrified me but I did it anyway.  In the end I actually had fun driving it and felt empowered and was almost sad giving it back like saying goodbye to a new friend.  It lead me to look at other areas in my life where I am holding back and not making the choices I could make that may very well enhance my life.  We can make a big deal out of things with our judgements, points of view, conclusions, feelings and emotions and doing that limits us in so many ways. Do you ever hold back because of certain things you may have to do and don’t necessarily like doing them or are afraid of doing them? I was reminded that when we actually just do whatever it is we are worrying or fearing about it’s never really as bad as we make out. I was extremely grateful to have that car from the garage.  It showed me I could face my fear and do it anyway and I had a lot of fun! The wedding was fabulous, weather was glorious and I really enjoyed being involved. I am now the proud owner of a beautiful new shiny black Renault Clio which I picked up today. I was so excited picking it up from the garage and I am looking forward to many amazing and fun adventures in my new car.